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Kosan-ji Temple

Kosan-ji is a temple on the island of Ikuchijima. It belongs to the Hongan-ji school of Jodo Shinshu. It houses over two thousand items, including nineteen Important Cultural Properties.

Kosan-ji Temple

Kosan-ji is a temple on the island of Ikuchijima. It belongs to the Hongan-ji school of Jodo Shinshu. It was founded by the industrialist Koso Kosanji in 1936 in honour of his deceased mother. The vast complex built around a hilltop is dotted with structures modelled on Japan’s most famous historic temples and shrines. Visitors may object that unlike Japan’s cherished religious buildings, Kosan-ji is unbearably gaudy. However, the ancient temples that we see today were once gaily painted in the same manner.

The Kosan-ji Museum houses over two thousand items, including nineteen Important Cultural Properties.


The precincts also include the Miraishin no Oka, a monument landscaped by Kazuto Kuetani using five thousand square metres of Carrara marble. It’s topped by something resembling a nutcracker.


Name in Japanese: 耕三寺

Pronunciation: kōsan-ji

Address: 553-2 Setoda, Setodacho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 722-2411

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